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Conveyancing For Both Parties – A High Risk Practice

OPINION by Tim O’Dwyer M.A., LL.B Solicitor Consumer Advocate watchdog@argonautlegal.com.au   Acting for both parties is an unwise, high-risk practice for solicitors and their trusting clients. It should be prohibited absolutely by law. Brisbane solicitor Richard Ebbott is mentioned twice in real estate rebel Neil Jenman’s book, DON’T SIGN ANYTHING! Jenman describes how Ebbott handled the conveyancing for two Sydney clients who lost more than $50,000 each after buying two overpriced Brisbane townhouses. Then four...

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Estate Agents – Our Policy

We never hear from the good estate agents – they never attempt to “cross the line” by meddling in legal matters or seeking guidance because they are not sure about their role. The good estate agents are are professionals who know their industry, the laws that govern and regulate their industry and the norms and procedures required to ensure that all parties’ interests are protected. Our policy for dealing with estate agents is not directed at...

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Landlord’s Legal Letter-Writers Beware

OPINION by Tim O’Dwyer M.A., LL.B Queensland Solicitor & Consumer Advocate watchdog@argonautlegal.com.au Chief Justice of Queensland Paul de Jersey has warned my State’s lawyers, when they write letters of demand on behalf of clients, to be careful before resorting to any “even arguably threatening conduct”. His warning came recently in the course of the dismissal of a disciplinary action taken against Gold Coast solicitor Michael David Sing. This application was made by the Legal Services...

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GST and Real Estate Sales

How can you find out if your real estate sale will trigger a liability to pay Goods and Services Tax (GST)? If you are the vendor of residential real estate in a typical real estate transaction, then it is highly unlikely that you will have to pay GST on the sale. However, you are ultimately responsible for determining your tax position, and so it is important to do some homework on the GST and how it...

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