Instruct us to Commence Your Conveyancing
Instruct us now, and we will get your matter under way immediately. Remember, you’re not committed until we have confirmed your instructions in writing.
When we have received your Purchase Form or Sale Form we will write to you to formally confirm that you have engaged us to act for you, and to commence your conveyancing matter.
Yes, it is that easy!
Please select the type of conveyancing you require:
Find out about our FAST and consumer-friendly
Pre-purchase contract checking and advice service!
Distance is no Problem
If your PROPERTY is in the State of Victoria, it doesn’t matter where YOU are.
We have clients in other States and other countries, who use our conveyancing services.
These days, distance makes little difference because of:
- Telephone
- Express Post
- Economical Courier Services
- FedEx and other Intenational Couriers
If you live in country Victoria, interstate or abroad, contact us for more information.