Complaints Procedure
Internal Complaint Procedure
We value our clients, and we hope that they will form long-term relationships with us.
If a complaint is received, we regard it as valuable feedback that will assist us to improve our services.
If you have a complaint you are entitled to expect that it will be handled professionally and with courtesy.
A complaint should be sent to us at:
Lawyers Conveyancing
(Attn: Legal Practitioner Director)
Suite 6, 3-5 Hewish Road
Croydon 3136
We will make every effort to investigate your complaint, and to resolve it to your satisfaction.
External Complaints Procedure
You are also entitled to lodge a complaint to the Professional Standards Department of the Law Institute of Victoria by writing to:
General Manager
Professional Standards
Victorian Lawyers RPA Ltd
470 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000
You can also contact the Legal Services Commissioner by writing to:
Legal Services Commissioner
Level 9, 330 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
If your complaint relates to a privacy issue, you can write to:
Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner
Level 8, Piccadilly Tower
133 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000