Scam! That Innocent Phone Call Offering To Help You

Neil Jenman - Don't Sign AnythingOPINION
by Neil Jenman
Consumer Advocate

Currently, there are at least one hundred active wealth spruikers in Australia. All have one aim – to make themselves richer by making you poorer.

An article from the Jenman website.

Most use a similar method of enticement (or ‘bait’) to entice you into their lair. Their scams usually start with a phone call which will mention something that appeals to the average family – ‘reduce tax’, ‘prepare for retirement’, ‘no obligation’ – and so on.

So similar are these scam scripts (indeed the rogues who write them often move from one scam outfit to another) that we thought we’d reprint one for you.

Below is the script used by the now defunct Westpoint Corporation. Many of the rogues who worked at Westpoint have now moved on to other spruiking outfits.

So, if you get a call and the words of the caller even remotely resemble anything in the script below, it might be an idea to ask the caller to hold the line – for about a week.


It’s ________ on behalf on Westpoint Melb/Perth . Our goal is to assist you in achieving your financial goals and to understand there is an entitlement available to you to help you become fully self funded by retirement (not rely on a pension).

Our service is free and it’s great news to all working homeowners.

Are you or your partner in the workforce and either pay off or own your home ?


And were you aware of an existing entitlement which allows you to receive back what could be a significant amount of your tax dollars, on a weekly basis, for your retirement’s sake?

We have our consultants in your area for another week or so who will explain this and how powerfully it can be applied to your situation ….

..continue for those interested ….

Do you still pay off the home?

Great. We have the most up to date mortgage elimination strategies in the marketplace, and when you see how these are applied you will discover how to save thousands in interest, slash the time it takes to pay off your home by years, free up your cash flow to allow you to do the things you need and want to.


What could you do with an extra $50 a week if you could get that back in your pocket/purse? How would that make you feel? (holiday, dinner, new car, quality time)

The benefits of what we can show you are enormous, and it’d be terrific to see everybody, but to fully benefit from this, you have to be working for a least another 5 years before retirement, a minimum $40,000 combined income and at least $50,000 in your home equity.

That sound right in your case ?.. (if yes.). Fantastic .

OK. So that you can find out about all this, we ask for just one hour at your place.

A Westpoint consultant will come round, introduce the company, have a casual talk to you about your current situation and take you through your own personal assessment booklet .

Very laid back, very plain English. This booklet by the way is yours, free to keep with no obligation.

In that hour, you can ask as many questions as you wish, it’s not our own slide show, it’s aimed to be very interactive so that you get the most out of it.

You will not be sold anything and you can’t buy anything. However, you will get a very clear picture of your options, especially in the areas of mortgage elimination, reducing your tax burden and using those tax dollars to invest, and consolidating your affairs .

So many families have taken advantage of this free service and you, like them, can take the information left with you to your accountant etc for further discussion or scrutiny.

Remember, there is no obligation on your part to do business with Westpoint.

We are confident what we present to you will help you save money now and create the additional income you will need by retirement .

You really have nothing to lose from spending an hour with us, but everything to gain from this .

We have re-scheduled a recent appointment for ____________ at ____ . I can put you in there right now.
(Offer alternative times).
(Reveal free gift).
(Confirmation of letter received call).
(Courtesy call with name of consultant – if possible).”

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