What Motivates Estate Agents Most?
[Author – Tim ODwyer]
Below is part of an email advert sent out this week to Queensland estate agents by a company which in is the business of supplying contract forms, statutory forms and other computer software to the real estate industry. Nothing like an offer of free advice and guidance to catch the attention of self-interested realtors.
“Hi, Real Estate Dynamics and ADL Software proudly invite you to attend one of the free seminars Real Estate Dynamics has prepared to help you learn how the new Act affects you and your workplace.
- Prepare Contracts
- Present Contracts legally
- Safeguard your commission
- Safeguard against being fined
- Safeguard against being sued
What catches my cynical attention here particularly is the repeated emphasis on not risking commissions as well as on agents’ being safeguarded from being fined or sued.
Nary a word in the blurb about protecting their clients’ interests. Or ensuring consumers are given genuine opportunites to be independently advised.
The clear intention here is to ensure that agents confidently continue to be able to prepare, present and sign-up contracts as securely, legally and safely as possible so consumers won’t think to get their ownindependent legal advice.
Meantime the Queensland Law Society slumbers on, while it and the Office of Fair Trading remain oblivious to the obvious fact that real estate consumers’ best protection is a statutory probition on legally-unqualified agents’ preparation of contracts.
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